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International Cement Review (ICR) delivers unrivalled business insight, market knowledge and technical expertise to the global cement industry.

Whether you are involved in the production, trade or distribution of cement, clinker and allied products, ICR provides industry and country reports, technical studies, informed commentary and a wealth of market data.

A full subscription to International Cement Review puts a wealth of information at your fingertips including:

112 issues of International Cement Review: the leading industry publication, priority mailed to your desk each month and available online via digital editions

2Full access to daily news, newsletters, cement plant database, equipment directory, video presentations, 10-year digital archive of International Cement Review articles and much more…

3Building Bulletin newsletter: monthly summary of news and market data for the cement and building materials sector

4Free Handbook: Your magazine subscription comes a free copy of the fully-updated The Cement Plant Operations Handbook. The Cement Plant Operations Handbook is a concise, practical guide to cement manufacture and is the standard reference used by plant operations personnel worldwide. Includes new section on alternative fuels.